Bridge: a GUI Software for Genetic Risk Prediction

Bridge is built for both designing and analyzing a risk prediction model. In the design stage, it provides an estimated classification accuracy of the model and determines the sample size required to verify this accuracy. In the analysis stage, it adopts a robust and powerful algorithm for forming the risk prediction model.


File name Download Description
Bridge R GUI software for genetic risk prediction (version 1.0)
Installing script install.R A R script to install Bridge software. In order to appropriate install Bridge, we suggest users to first install a recent R version (>= 3.0.0.)
Bridge vignette Bridge.pdf User manual (version 1.0)


GWGGI: Genome-Wide Gene-Gene Interaction Analysis

GWGGI is C++ software for genome-wide gene-gene interaction analyses . GWGGI utilizes tree-based algorithms to search a large number of genetic markers for disease-associated joint association with the consideration of high-order interactions, and then uses non-parametric statistics to test the joint association.


Platform File Version
Unix v1.0
Windows v1.0
C++ source v1.0


MLR: R code for genetic risk prediction allowing for phenotypic heterogeneity

MLR iteratively determines homogenous sub-phenotype groups, and builds a parsimonious risk prediction model for each sub-phenotype group.


File name Download Description
MLR R code
Example Example.R a simple example of running the programs
Readme Readme.txt Readme file


FB_GGRF: R code for genetic association analysis of family-based sequencing Data

FB_GGRF utilizes a generalized genetic random field method for the statistical analysis of family-based sequencing data.


File name Download Description
FB_GGRF R code
Example Example.R a simple example of running the programs


FU: R code for functional data analysis of sequencing Data

FU first constructs smooth functions from individuals’ sequencing data, and then tests the association of these functions with multiple phenotypes by using a U-statistic.


File name Download Description
FU FU R code
Example Example a simple example of running the programs


GGRF: R code for genetic association analysis of sequencing Data by using a generalized genetic random field method

GGRF utilizes a generalized genetic random field method for the statistical analysis of sequencing data. It accommodates a variety of disease phenotypes (e.g., quantitative and binary phenotypes), and can be applied to small-scale sequencing data without need for small-sample adjustment.


File name Download Description
GGRF function.r R code
Example a simple example of running the program
Readme Readme.txt Readme file